
It’s been hot and muggy, more so than I’ve been used to. I’m heading to Newport News next week and wondered, if it’s this hot here, how hot is it there? Actually when I checked it was one degree cooler.

Still I did get the grossly overdue mowing in the orchard done… turns out the trees are still there. Also replaced the socket on a lamp, and an overhead light socket in the basement whose nonfunctioning pull chain switch had been driving me nuts since 2002.  (Yep, that’s what was doing it.)  And I grilled a steak for dinner last night. And I got to the dojo on Saturday. And that was about all I did over the weekend besides read, sleep, and research ukeleles on the computer.

Kenny did even less — last Tuesday night he was sick, vomiting and fever, but Wed. morning he seemed fine. Likewise Thurs. morning, but a couple hours later I got a call from the day care: he’d broken out in a rash all over. Doctor on Friday said it was viral, no longer contagious, nothing to do about it but wait. Over the weekend he was on again off again not feeling well. Rash is pretty much on the face only at this point. So hopefully almost done.

This week Heather starts spending time on her new job (8 hours Tues.) while still working her old job (12 hours Mon., Wed., Thurs.) and finishing training to become a CPR instructor (8 hours Fri.). Next two weeks she spends 36 hours on old job and 16 hours on new job, with me out of town. If you see her say hi from a distance.

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