Blue Bomber

I got a TGIMBOEJ today: “Blue Bomber”.


A lot of that I don’t know what it is, and even more I don’t think I’d have any near term use for (if ever), but that, I suppose, is really the whole point. There are a few items that I am interested in, and I know I’ve got some stuff I’m willing (even eager) to contribute. And it all goes round…


Here’s what I kept:

Here’s most of what I added from my junk collection:

And at the last minute I remembered I wanted to throw these in too, so I did:

I put in more (by volume at least) than I took. You can call that generosity if you like. I call it pragmatism, and a small effort toward one of my goals for 2010 — decluttering.

The stuff is now in a new box, sealed up and addressed and ready to ship to a makers’ group in Alabama. I considered a bunch of other possible recipients before settling on them, some of which I rejected on the simple grounds that they hadn’t provided any obvious and easy way to contact them. Uh, folks, I’m not gonna send you a box if you don’t provide a way for me to find out your address, am I?

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